南方网讯 粤剧、岭南画派和广东音乐是岭南文化中最具代表性艺术形式,被誉为“岭南三秀”。这三种艺术可观、可听、可珍藏,别具艺韵文心,具有深厚的文化底蕴,至今仍涌动着创新活力,为粤港澳大湾区民众以及海外华侨华人喜闻乐见。
广东省文学艺术界联合会(Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles ):成立于1950年9月,是中共广东省委领导的,由全省性的文艺家协会、地级市以上文学艺术界联合会和全省性的产业文联组成的文学艺术界专业人民团体,是党和政府联系文艺家的桥梁和纽带,是繁荣社会主义文艺、发展先进文化重要力量。
广东省文艺研究所(Guangdong Institute of Literature and Art):建于1963年,是广东省文联下属的事业单位。主要部门有:音乐研究室、综合文化研究室、录音棚、民族民间音乐电子资料库、乐谱排版部等。
Cantonese Opera, affectionately called by the people of Guangzhou as “Grand Opera”, “Guangfu Opera”, or “Local Opera”, is the most influential and the most popular opera in South China. (Note: Every province in China has a simplified name. The simplified name for Guangdong Province is “粤”, a Chinese character read as “yue”. “Cantonese Opera” is traditionally called “Yue Opera”. In the same way, “Beijing Opera” is often called “Jing Opera”, while those popular in Guangxi, Hubei and Hunan provinces are called respectively as “Gui Opera”, “Han Opera”, and “Xiang Opera”. Sometimes Cantonese Opera is also called “Guangfu Opera”. “Guangfu” refersto a larger area, including Guangzhou,Hong Kong, Macao, and other places in Zhujiang River Delta. ) Rooted in Foshan and Guangzhou, the center of Guangfu Culture, it inherits the core elements of Lingnan Culture (Note: Lingnan refers to the region to the south of the fives mountain ridges in South China. The five ridges are Yuecheng Ridge, Dupang Ridge, Mengzhu Ridge, Qitian Ridge and Dayu Ridge. And Lingnan Culture refers to the culture shared by this region.) to be inclusive, practical, open and creative and absorbs the essence of Kun Opera, Yiyang Opera, Qin Opera, Han Opera and other foreign operas to form its unique style.
粤剧广泛流行于粤语地区,包括两广地区(广东、广西)、香港、澳门等地。在海外,粤剧被称作“Cantonese Opera”,译为“广东歌剧”。在东南亚、美国、加拿大等华侨聚集地都能寻见其活跃的身影。“故有广东人足迹,即有广东人戏班,海外万埠,相隔万里,亦如在广东之祖家焉。”粤剧成了海外传播时间最长、传播范围最广的剧种。
Cantonese Opera is popular in the Cantonese-speaking regions, including Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao and the neighboring places. Traditionally called “Yue Opera” by Chinese people, it is widely known as “Cantonese Opera” abroad. It is quite popular in the overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, the United States and Canada. Someone with the penname “Wuyasheng” published his reflections on Cantonese Opera on a Chinese newspaper called Wenxing News edited by the overseas Chinese in California of the United States, and said that wherever the Cantonese lived, there was a Cantonese Opera troupe, and though thousands of miles away from their hometown, the Cantonese felt like being at home whenever watching the performance. Cantonese Opera is believed to be the most popular Chinese Opera in foreign countries where it has a long history of transmission.